Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Shots are no Fun

Today we went to see Gavin's peditrician - Dr. Lacker for his 2 month check-up. We are proud to report that Gavin is now 11 pounds 14 ounces and is 23 inches long..... so he is definitely growing. (Dec. report -10 lbs. and 22 inches long). He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight - good job Gavin! And.... his head is a little bigger - in the 75th percentile... but like our Dr. said - that means he is very collegiate (how funny!).

Everything else went well and then came time for the shots he had to get... 4 today! YIKES!! It was not fun at all - in fact, I/Mommy started crying too. We are recovering (don't you like how I put we insted of just Gavin) and he can take Infant Tylenol today (which we have taken to help with the pain) - so hopefully Gavin will be feeling better tomorrow. As a parent it is HORRIBLE to watch your baby get that upset and then not feel good - you just want to make it all better..... but I have a feeling that this "helplessness" I have been feeling today will continue to happen for the rest of his life. In may not be a recovery from shots - but other things that will cause him heartache and pain.....welcome to motherhood!

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