Sunday, February 17, 2008

3 months today!

Happy 3 months to Gavin today! We just can't believe how fast he is growing. Here are some things that Gavin is doing now:
- he loves sucking his fingers, thumb and is drooling like crazy (could he be teething already?)
- his smiles, coos and laugh just melt your heart and you wonder what is going on in that little mind of his
- we swear that Gavin can say "hi" - but again, that is in his language of course and it sounds like "hi"
- he is ticklish under his arms - it brings a big smile and sometimes a little laugh
- he is holding and grabbing onto toys
- he loves getting his diaper changed and being naked (glad he got past that one - when he was born he wasn't a big fan of not having clothes on)
- those blue eyes just keep getting bigger and he has very long eyelashes
- loves watching tv (this continues...); we may need to start putting in more "children appropriate" shows - although, he loves watching reality TV and sports (mom and dad's favorites)
- he kicks and kicks his legs (I sometimes think he is trying to go somewhere)
- enjoys his bouncy seat and can completely scoot his way out of there

He continues to be the love of our lives and we adore him. Thank you Gavin for bringing so much joy into our lives - we love being your parents.


Anonymous said...

And we love being his grandparents!!! Happy 3-month birthday...we love you...

Grandma & Grandpa C.

Janet Nawroth said...

I love the flannel shirt! Happy 3 months Gavin. We're so glad to share time with you.