Saturday, October 17, 2009

Go Cats!

Maggie & Mark came over to root on the Northwestern Wildcats - colors and all!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our twin nephew's Baptism

Scott and I were so honored to be godparents to Jack & Luc (our twin newphews).
It was a very fun weekend spending time with family and also celebrating the twins baptism.
All these boys.... Gavin just loves spending time with all of them.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I LOVE my Grandpa

Gavin playing with Grandpa Gillard.... catch me!

Fun visit with U. Dennis & A. Kathy

We were so excited to see Uncle Dennis & Aunt Kathy (who live in Las Vegas - and it had been 2 years since we had seen them) while we were visiting in Michigan too. This was their 1st time meeting Gavin - which he loved them both!

They came in for the weekend to see the Gillard family - and it was fun catching up and spending time with them both.

Can you tell that Dennis is a grandpa or what?

Weeeeeee - down the slide they go!

Ty and Gavin playing on the slide.... ready, set.... GO!

Maggie the Cow

Chugga... Chugga.... Choo - Choo!

At the pumpkin farm - Gavin enjoyed playing on the toy train that was there too.
Gavin is REALLY into trains these days - especially Thomas the Train.

Ringing the bell with Ty at the front of the train.

At the end of the train... the Moose Caboose.

Pumpkin Farm - Michigan

In October, we headed up to Michigan to celebrate the fall season at the pumpkin farm.
Gavin and Ty (his cousin) had a great time playing... and what great weather too.

Grandma Gillard & Gavin walking up to the farm.

Gavin couldn't quite reach the pedals yet on the tricycle... probably by next year....

But - Daddy came to help.... as you can see they were both having fun.

"Ty... how are you doing that? Can you teach me? Why am I not moving?"

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Fall - Family Fun at the Pumpkin Farm

We are headed to Burger Farms in Newtown, OH today to enjoy the nice fall weather and get our pumpkins too. The Hansbauer's joined us as well - and we had a great time.

Last year when we were at the pumpkin patch, Gavin wasn't even walking - so we just plopped him with the pumpkins...but this year - he didn't really want to sit for too long... but then again, he is almost 2 now. We did manage to snap a few ones with the pumpkins.

There are lots of activities for kids at this farm - which is really great for families. Thank goodness the chick below made it out alive... again, trying to teach "gentle" to a toddler can be interesting sometimes - at first Gavin had it down.. but then - yikes - he went right for the neck.

Gavin got to practice his throwing skills - and who knew - winner everytime... love that pumpkin sucker!

Scott and I were so excited when we saw the little pony ride - Gavin gave it a go before they started moving - then off he went to Daddy... then back on again. He wasn't quite sure about this...

Greta enjoyed riding the pony....

This picture is SO cute - Greta & Gavin "peaking" through the tractor tire... so cute!

Finally - we got to go on a hayride to get our pumpkins... as you can see, Gavin couldn't take his eyes off that tractor... he couldn't wait for it to pick us up.
What a fun day - glad we got to enjoy this day with the Hansbauer's too... Happy Fall!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


So, a while back we got our hands on some "super"-pajamas for Gavin, believe they were either a hand-me-down or a garage sale find by Grandma, either way, we had been looking forward to trying them out.

Gavin took to the outfit right away, quickly pairing his rain boots with the look and followed soon after by "flying" from his chair to his ottoman in his room.

Here are the pics...